Planned Contribution This Year
State of residence
* denotes state with a 529 deduction or credit
Filing status
Married/Joint      Single
Taxable Income

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Your tax filing status will be used to determine the amount of your state tax deduction if your state allows different tax deduction amounts for married/joint filers versus single filers. Your filing status will be used to compute your marginal tax rate, which determines the net value of your state tax deduction.

If your status is “married filing separately” or “head of household,” select Single.

Taxable income includes your total annual income (salaries, wages, pension payments, dividends, and interest) less your deductions (standard or itemized) and personal exemptions. This calculator assumes that state and federal tax treatments are similar for most sources of income and types of deductions and that federal taxable income is equivalent to state taxable income.

The selected share class is applicable when advisor-sold plans are selected.